XFL In Good Shape After Opening Weekend

XFL founder Vince McMahon couldn’t have wished for a better start for his latest business endeavor.

The opening weekend in this newest attempt at creating another professional American football league went off without a hitch, and drew a substantial audience to their televisions for the first four games of the season.

According to Fox Business, the opening game between the Seattle Dragons and the DC Defenders on Saturday attracted the eyes of 3.3 million fans. The audience grew towards the end of the game, to about 4 million viewers. Fox Business also reports that this opening game’s viewer totals were similar to one of this year’s NBA Christmas matchups between the Toronto Raptors and the Boston Celtics.

In addition to impressive opening TV ratings, the XFL boasted strong attendance totals at each of the stadiums. The four games were each played in front of over 17,000 live spectators. As reported by The Action Network’s Darren Rovell, the XFL generated more money from ticket sales than the Alliance of American Football (2019’s attempt at a new pro football league) generated in its entire two-month existence.

This spectacular opening weekend has fans excited for more, but has critics asking a very important question: can the XFL keep these numbers up, or like the AAF, will it inevitably fold? Only time will tell, but if the first four games are any indication of the path the XFL is on, I’d say it’ll be around for a while.