Posts tagged Bill Russell
Legendary Lineups: Best of the 60s

As I wrote in last week’s article, it didn’t feel right not talking about all the basketball stars I left off of the All-Time NBA Mount Rushmore. So, to make myself feel better, over the next few weeks, I will be making six teams, encompassing some the best players from NBA history. These “Legendary Lineups,” as I’m calling them, will cover the six decades from 1960 to 2010. Without further…

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All-Time NBA Mount Rushmore

The debate over who is the greatest basketball player of all time is what I call “the impossible question” and will rage on for centuries. A definitive answer will most likely never be reached because of one simple fact: not every era is the same. NBA basketball has taken many forms over its existence, each valuing a different skill set than the one before. In Bill Russell’s age, size was everything. Being taller than your opponents gave…

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